[afro-nets] MDG 2006 Report - Millennium Development Goals

Millennium Development Goals: Strengthening Mutual Accountabil-
ity, Aid, Trade, and Governance

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The
World Bank, 2006

Available online as PDF file [248 pp. 1.55 MB] at:

"...This third annual Global Monitoring Report (GMR) on progress
toward the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) comes with only
10 years remaining to achieve them. It reports good and bad
news. Growth continues to be favorable and has helped cut global
poverty, in some cases dramatically. Many countries have stayed
the course with sound economic policies, which are delivering
results, including some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The
volume of trade has grown worldwide, and private capital flows
to developing countries continue to rise. Evidence is also
emerging from some countries of rapid and tangible progress in
improving primary education completion, raising immunization
coverage, and lowering child mortality..."


Executive Summary
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Part I Monitoring Progress
1 Charting and Sustaining Progress in Income Poverty Reduction
2 Managing Money for Human Development Results
3 Delivering on Commitments for Aid, Debt Relief, and Trade .
4 Strengthening the Performance of International Financial In-

Part II Governance as Part of Global Monitoring
5 Monitoring Developing-Country
6 Monitoring and Improving Governance Subsystems
7 Strengthening Global Checks and Balances.
Statistical Annex