[afro-nets] Men and Reproductive Health Programs

Men and Reproductive Health Programs
Influencing Gender Norms

The Synergy Project Releases USAID's "Men and Reproductive
Health Programs: Influencing Gender Norms"

This literature review highlights programs designed to change
social norms related to entrenched gender roles. It explains the
methodologies each program employed to achieve this goal and
presents findings from evaluations conducted to assess their ef-
ficacy. Some of the programmatic models described were presented
at a four-day conference held in the Washington D.C. area in
September 2003 that brought together program implementers, re-
searchers, evaluators, and donors to learn about men and repro-
ductive health programs around the world that have challenged
gender norms.

The complete report may be accessed as Adobe PDF file (64 pp.
702 kB) at:

Clare Hayden
Communications Associate, The Synergy Project
TvT Global Health and Development Strategies
A division of Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
1101 Vermont Ave, NW Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005, USA
Tel: +1-202-842-2939 ext. 104
Fax: +1-202-842-7646