[afro-nets] MSF's campaign asking the EU to cease pursuing policies that hamper access to medicines

The European Commission is actively undermining production, registration, exportation and transportation of generic medicines through the EU-India Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement that is nearing finalization, as well as through EC customs regulations.

People in developing countries rely on affordable generic medicines. More than 80% of the medicines used by Médecins Sans Frontières to treat AIDS across the developing world are produced in India.

We are writing you today to ask you to support our new campaign to ask the European Commission to cease pursuing policies that seriously hamper access to affordable life-saving medicines for millions of people in developing countries.

We thank you for your support, and appreciate if you could also circulate the petition to your contacts.

Best regards,

Mai DO
Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines
Médecins Sans Frontières