MSF Launches campaign for access to life-saving medicines
(Press Release)
Brussels, 23 November 1999 - One week before European negotiators
head to the World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle, Medecins
Sans Frontieres (MSF) calls on the EU to make public health a prior-
ity in international trade rules.
Infectious diseases kill 17 million people every year, most of them
in the developing world. Many of these diseases are treatable but the
necessary drugs are either too costly or no longer produced. In addi-
tion research for tropical diseases has nearly stopped.
The market is failing to provide life-saving affordable medicines for
people in developing countries. "We are forced to watch our patients
die because they cannot afford the treatments that could save their
lives" said Dr Bernard Pecoul of MSF. "While we appreciate that pat-
ents can be an important motor of research and development funding,
there must be a balance to ensure that people have access to medi-
MSF reports released today comparing prices of AZT and fluconazole
(used to treat life-threatening AIDS-related meningitis) around the
world show that it is possible to produce affordable medicines in
poor countries.
In Thailand fluconazole costs US$ 0.70 per day, whereas in Kenya it
costs US$ 20 per day. This is because the drug is patented in Kenya,
which means only one company has the right to produce it.
"Current trade laws have a direct impact on peoples' lives. In Thai-
land patients can afford treatment, whereas in Kenya they cannot."
said Dr James Orbinski, President of MSF's International Council. To
challenge this imbalance, MSF today launched the campaign for Access
to Essential Medicines.
The MSF campaign will also focus on restarting stalled research and
development for tropical diseases.
The search for cures of diseases that affect people in poor countries
has ground to a standstill. Of 1,233 new drugs brought to market be-
tween 1975 and 1997 only 13 were for tropical diseases. While the
highly profitable pharmaceutical industry concentrates on making
treatments for impotence and obesity, doctors treating patients with
diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria and sleeping sickness, are
forced to use archaic treatments developed 30-50 years ago.
MSF is calling for direct involvement and financial support from the
EU to stimulate research and development for medicines for communica-
ble diseases.
"Access to medicines is a matter of life and death. The European Un-
ion (EU) must take action now to ensure that health is a priority in
trade agreements and that new treatments are developed for neglected
diseases" said Dr Pecoul.
For more information contact:
Daniel Berman
Mobile phone: +41-79-286-9649
MSF was awarded the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize for its work in providing
medical assistance and speaking out for populations in danger.
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