MSH announces New Manager's Electronic Resource Center
Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is pleased to announce the newly
redesigned Manager's Electronic Resource Center:
Developed to meet the needs of health managers from all parts of the
world, the new ERC provides thousands of resources to help you find
answers to your most pressing management questions.
The ERC website now offers:
* A new look!
* Over 5,000 pages of quick-loading information
* Printable full-text documents
* More than 150 ready-to-use management tools
* A member's area to encourage networking
* A special page listing all online issues of The Manager
* Message boards for experience exchange
* Email resources for those with limited Internet access
The ERC provides a forum for the international community of health
professionals who are committed to improving management. In just the
past few days new ERC members include:
* A community health worker from Namibia
* Technical advisors from the Dominican Republic and South Africa
* Pharmacists from Ghana and China
* Physicians from Romania and South Africa
"I found the information very useful and relevant to my country Sudan
which is experiencing a complete collapse of public health services."
-- New member from Sudan
Explore the new ERC and become a member today. It's free and once you
join, you will be part of a large community of health professionals
with full access to all of the newest site features. Tell us know
what you think <> - your feedback continues to drive our
The Manager's Electronic Resource Center - Sharing management experi-
ence through an international network of health professionals:
Amy Dietterich
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