AFRO-NETS> New Date: Ghana Traditional Medicine Conference

New Date: Ghana Traditional Medicine Conference

Dear Sir/Madam

We are pleased to advise that based upon popular request, the Inter-
national Conference on Traditional Medicine which was originally
scheduled to take place at the Accra International Conference Centre,
Ghana, on the 5th and 6th of April, 2000 has now been postponed to
the 19th and 20th of July, 2000 by the Ministry of Health of Ghana in
association with Africa First LLC, the newest experts on cross-
cultural and medical tours to Benin, Ghana and Senegal.

All persons interested in presenting papers at the conference are ad-
vised to forward copies for such presentations, clearly typed in dou-
ble spacing, between 5 and 20 pages long, but not to exact more than
30 minutes presentation time, to Africa First LLC, not later than May
30, 2000, for review by an Editorial Committee.

For further information, please contact:
Mimi C. Anzel or J. William Danquah
Africa First LLC
1129 Skillman Avenue,
Roseville, Minnesota 55133, USA
Tel: +1-651-488-2955
Fax: +1-651-488-331

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