New food for a wrong thought (6)
Dear Mr. Schuftan and Mr. Dahlgren,
What is exactly the point you want to make? Yes, the market orientation
and privatisation are indeed not by definition the only ways out to im-
prove health care. However, if you suggest that this has been the (sim-
plistic) position of the World Bank (WB), I cannot agree there! To the
contrary, WB and other international agencies stress the importance of
an improved government budget for 'essential and cost-effective pack-
ages' of health care. If it comes to the various scenarios of privati-
sation, this is more an issue for - less cost-effective - tertiary
health care than it is for basic health services. In other words, I do
not see much controversy between your listing of current problems with
health care systems and their solutions and current international poli-
Rene Dubbeldam
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