[afro-nets] New YouthNet Resources

New YouthNet Resources

YouthNet, a program coordinated by Family Health International,
is pleased to announce the availability on our Web site,
http://www.fhi.org/youthnet, of:

- Youth Issues Paper 5 -

Using Global Media to Reach Youth: The 2002 MTV Staying Alive
Campaign. This paper presents results of the FHI/YouthNet
evaluation of the 2002 global HIV-prevention campaign, "Staying
Alive," which reached 800 million households. Using a "social
diffusion model" and population-based analysis, researchers
found the campaign had significant impact on interpersonal com-
munications about HIV/AIDS and affected social norms in some
cases. You can download this paper at

or send an email to mailto:youthnetpubs@fhi.org requesting a
printed copy (please make sure you provide your mailing ad-

- Youth InfoNet No. 14 -

Summaries of 15 program resources with links include findings on
young men projects, a resource compendium, a summary of best
projects globally, reports from a four-country Africa youth
study, and more. Summaries of seven research articles include
findings from Chile, Kenya, a Latin America study, Lesotho, Mon-
golia, and South Africa on sex education, abstinence-only ap-
proaches and virginity pledges, parent attitudes, and more.
Available at:

- Archives of the Electronic Youth Forum: "Pregnancy Prevention
in a Time of AIDS" (March 15 - April 15, 2005).

The forum was sponsored by YouthNet, the INFO Project, and the
Implementing Best Practices in Reproductive Health (IBP) Initia-
tive, coordinated by the World Health Organization. More than
650 people from 86 countries participated. The archive includes
all digests and introductory statements by guest panelists.

The Forum Summary
the final posting, includes a compilation of all the resources
mentioned during the four weeks, with links, as well as evalua-
tion results. Go to:

YouthNet is a global program focusing on improved reproductive
health and HIV prevention for people ages 10 to 24.

David Hock
Family Health International