New YouthNet Resources
YouthNet is pleased to announce two new resources:
* Youth-Friendly Services: An Annotated Web-Based Guide to
Available Resources
This guide describes the 14 major existing global resources for
building stronger youth-friendly services, with URL links to the
available documents. The resources are grouped into advocacy /
planning, assessment/implementation, provider training curric-
ula, job aids, and evaluation. The guide is presented in two
forms: as a quick, Web-based reference tool and also as a short
publication that can be downloaded and used in planning meet-
ings. EngenderHealth, YouthNet/Family Health International,
PATH, and the World Health Organization developed these re-
* CD-ROM, YouthNet Publications 2002-2004 This collection of
YouthNet publications includes all YouthLens, Youth Issues Pa-
pers, other YouthNet publications, and the popular interactive
training module on adolescent reproductive health, a 95-slide
training course, which can be self-administered or facilitator-
led (English and Spanish). With this CD-ROM, the Web-based mod-
ule becomes accessible in areas where Internet access is limited
or costly. All publications on this CD-ROM are available in Eng-
lish, and many have been translated to French and Spanish.
To request copies of the CD-ROM, which are free, or for more in-
formation on YouthNet, please and
include your mailing address. YouthNet is a global program fo-
cusing on improved reproductive health and HIV prevention for
young people ages 10 to 24, coordinated by Family Health Inter-
David Hock
Senior Information Projects Coordinator
Family Health International