[afro-nets] Proposals to Host and Facilitate AMANET Training Workshop

Call for Proposals to Host and Facilitate AMANET Training Work-
shop on Management for African Malaria Research Leaders

Dear Colleagues,

The African Malaria Network Trust (AMANET) is a pan-African,
non-profit, non-governmental organization whose mission is to
promote capacity strengthening, performance and impact of Afri-
can malaria R & D institutions. Currently AMANET undertakes
short-and long-term training of African malaria researchers, in-
frastructure improvement, equipping research institutions, and
sponsorship of clinical and field trials of candidate malaria
intervention tools. AMANET wishes to organize a training work-
shop for strengthening malaria research leaders in management.

Applications are therefore invited from interested institutions
or consortia of experts with the required experience to facili-
tate, host and organize on behalf of AMANET, a workshop on "Man-
agement for African Malaria Research Leaders."

The workshop which is planned for June 2006, will last for up to
two weeks and involve 20-25 participants from malaria research
institutions in Africa.

Interested institutions or consortia are invited to visit the
AMANET website:
for bidding instructions.

The Managing Trustee
African Malaria Network Trust
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology Building
P.O. Box 33207
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2700-018
Fax: +255-22-2700-380
Website: www.amanet-trust.org

All the best,

Dr Charles L. Wanga
Communications Officer
African Malaria Network Trust [AMANET]
PO Box 33207
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2700-018,
Mobile: +255-748-337-232
Fax: +255-22-2700-380