Regional Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs
5-16 February 2006
Dakar, Senegal
USAID's MEASURE Evaluation Project is pleased to announce a training opportunity for the Africa region. The Centre Africain d'Etudes Supérieures en Gestion (CESAG), based in Dakar, Senegal is offering a regional workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs. This two-week course will take place February 5-16, 2007 and will be taught in French.
The workshop will offer intensive training that will cover the fundamental concepts and tools for monitoring and evaluating HIV/AIDS programs. The workshop will include sessions on: The Role of Strategic Information in Decision Making; M&E Frameworks; Indicators; Information Systems; Evaluation Designs; Developing M&E Plans; Selecting, Calculating and Interpreting Indicators; and Facilitating the Use of Strategic Information. In addition, modules on program areas and cross cutting issues appropriate for the Africa region will also be included. Hands-on experience in designing monitoring and evaluation plans will be gained by doing exercises, and working in small groups throughout the workshop. The participant groups will present the results of their projects during the final day of the workshop. The course is designed for national and sub-national level M&E professionals and their counterparts, assistants and advisors who are involved with the implementation of HIV/AIDS programs.
The fee for the workshop is course is 2,000,000 FCFA including room and board at the CESAG facilities. These costs do not include airfare, visa fees, or other expenses. A limited number of MEASURE Evaluation fellowships are available for qualified applicants who are citizens of USAID-assisted countries. Please note that the application deadline is January 5, 2007.
Lungi L. Okoko
HIV/AIDS Program Manager
Africare / Burkina Faso
01 BP 608 Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso (West Africa)
Tel.: +226-50-36-93-71
Fax.: +226-50-36-93-73