AFRO-NETS> ReMed Journal, Nr. 25

ReMed Journal, Nr. 25

Along the year 2001, prices of antiretrovirals drugs decreased a lot.
The mobilisation of international institutions and national organisa-
tions, the pressure of associations and patients has been contribut-
ing to it. Constitution of Health-AIDS World Fund, when finalized,
would allowed to consider the treatment of many patients in southern

ReMeD (Network for medicines and developpement), in association with
the International Therapeutic Solidarity Fund (FSTI), wants to con-
tribute to the diffusion of information. The setting of a programme
of access to antiretrovirals is being implemented or in project in
most countries. We have proposed to show the first results in various
African countries. As you will see, articles showed in this issue are
diverse, concrete and fruitful, albeit often repetitive, but showing
us the stakes and difficulties. From all the articles, it appears
that, the fall in the price of antiretrovirals is not a sufficient
condition to implement of a real programme.

A training of all the stakeholders is required, and also a team work
approach, particularly with patients associations. At the same time,
we need a competent and fully equipped technical platform with a good
management. Supply and distribution of drugs and consumables have to
be organised to be permanent and reliable.

Efforts and research are still necessary, particularly in treatment
evaluation and follow-up, drugs quality control and especially in the

Beyond this special issue, evolution of programme of access to an-
tiretrovirals will be discussed from time to time by ReMeD. All the
articles of this issue were received, read and approved between June
and September 2001.

Contents of the ReMed Journal, Nr. 25

Editorial Setting

Campaign against HIV infection: a global action of public health
Dr. J-M Milleliri

How to guarantee the quality of generic drugs
Jean-Yves Videau

International conference, anthropology of drugs


Prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission: implementation of a
pilot programme
Paul M. V. Martin

Ivory Coast: Programme of prevention of mother-to-child transmission
Doctor Valentin Noba

Senegal: Programme of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission
N.M. Sall, I. Ndoye, K. Seck, A. Diouf, Ch. Courpotin


Antiretrovirals treatment in developing countries
OMS workshop, Geneva, May 2001
Jean-Loup Rey

Benin: Program of access to antiretrovirals
Ch. Courpotin and D. Da Concei�ao

Burkina Faso: Therapeutic care of persons living with HIV
Michel Laloge and Guy Auregan

Cameroun: Status of antiretrovirals implementation
Christophe Commeyras

Gabon: Organisation of accessibility to antiretrovirals
H�l�ne Degui

Mali: Launch of the "access to antiretrovirals" initiative
Dr Minka� D Ma�ga

Maroc: Program of access to antiretrovirals
Pr F. Marhoub and H. Himmich

these articles are only in french, sorry

Carinne Bruneton
R�seau M�dicaments et D�veloppement
35 rue Daviel
75 013 Paris, France
Tel +33-1-53-802-020
Fax +33-1-53-802-021

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