E-drug: Declaration on access to HIV/AIDS Care
[The declaration can be found at http://www.remed.org/declaration.
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Declaration : framework for action to improve access to in
developing countries.
This declaration is the product of a year long consultative process
involving 155 experts from 27 countries and 57 national and international
It is the consensus of the 22 participants of the meeting
chaired by Professors Scott Hammer (Columbia University, New-York),
Jean-Paul Moatti (Inserm, Aix-Marseille), et Ibrahim Ndoye ( Director of the
�National Aids Programme, Senegal) which was held in Paris at the invitation
of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the support of UNAIDS
secretariat and WHO, on 29 November to 1st December 2001.
ReMeD (Network of medicines and development) have made the
coordination of the process.
We propose that this declaration be circulated to all international
and national partners in the fight against HIV/AIDS with the view
toward endorsement by appropriate forums, governments and concerned
We hope that it will serve as a basis for immediate action.
Please feel free to sign the declaration found at
Carinne Bruneton
R�seau M�dicaments et D�veloppement
35 rue Daviel
75 013 Paris
tel 33 1 53 80 20 20
fax 33 1 53 80 20 21
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