Request for assistance in small research project (3)
Dear Annemarie,
you may consult the SHARED web site at:
This is a site where researchers and project implementers share experi-
ences, research results and hypotheses. Once you acceded the homepage,
you may proceed by keywords, researcher names or countries and specify
your research until you'll find a list of projects or researches that
fit to your request. At every presentation you will find a link to the
homepage or at least to the e-mail of a contact person that can give
you further information. There are surely some projects financed by the
European Commission, GTZ and other bi- and multilateral funding agen-
cies. Try it!
Dr Cornelius Oepen
Projet Sante Banque Mondiale
Lome - Togo
Fax: 228-223-873
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