AFRO-NETS> RFI: Addresses of HIV/AIDS home care programmes

RFI: Addresses of HIV/AIDS home care programmes


I intend to visit some community-based care programmes in Africa and I
would be grateful if anyone could send me the addresses (fax, tel,
email, postal) of the following community-based care programmes in Zam-
bia and Zimbabwe:

1. The Chikankata outreach programme, Zambia
2. The Ndola Copperbelt home care programme, Zambia
3. The FACT programme, Zimbabwe
4. Any other potentially interesting community based programme in Zam-
   bia and Zimbabwe


Dr Emmanuel Fru Nsutebu
MPH course participant
Nuffield Institute for Health
71-75 Clarendon Road
Leeds, LS2 9PL, UK
Tel: +44-113-246-9652
Fax: +44-113-246-9652

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