AFRO-NETS> RFI: HIV/AIDS home care in Africa

RFI: HIV/AIDS home care in Africa

I am a Cameroonian medical doctor studying public health at the Nuf-
field Institute for Health, University of Leeds. We are presently work-
ing on a dissertation project for HIV/AIDS home care in an urban area
in Cameroon. It is a review of HIV/AIDS home care in the area with the
aim of proposing an effective and feasible model of home care that can
be implemented in the town. We also intend to review past and present
experiences of home care models in various African countries.

A lot seems to have been done on HIV home care and it is attracting a
lot of interest but there are few if any, widely accepted, comprehen-
sive, replicable and research-tested models of home care. We may have
to carry out a randomised control trial of some home care models so as
to document and compare their effectiveness, efficiency, acceptability

We intend to review:

1. Health facility based care
2. Communiy based home care
3. Hospice-type home care and
4. Any other models being tried out in Africa

We would be very happy to get in contact with organisations, hospitals
etc. that are working on HIV home care and also get their opinions and

Of particular interest to us are the following:

1. What type of services are offered by the home care models and what
   are the components? Who are the main providers of care and who rep-
   resents the target population?

2. What are the challenges, limitations, and successes of the models of
   home care that you are implementing?

3. What is the coverage of your home care model and what has been its
   impact on health status, health services, costs, etc.?

4. Any information on other organisations working in this field or
   opinions from people who have been in contact with these HIV home
   care models will also be welcomed.

We are anxiously waiting for your reply.

Dr Emmanuel Fru Nsutebu
Nuffield Institute for Health
71-75 Clarendon Road
Leeds, LS2 9PL, UK

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