RFI: African forum about traditional medicine (2)
To Dominique Mhlebach & Michael Hyden,
Dear Colleagues,
I am not sure but a similar Congress took place in Setif, (Algeria)
between 23-25 April,2000, entitled "First African Congress on Biology
and Health - Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Natural
Substances" and there was an other one in Kenya, namely: "21st Afri-
can Health Sciences Congress" Nairobi, Kenya, 24-28 April, 2000.
According to my best knowledge only some Congress Abstract Book was
printed in both cases. Moreover for your further information: there
will be a great congress this year on the mentioned subject: "2nd In-
ternational Conference on Traditional Medicine" 15-24 July, 2001, Ac-
cra (Ghana).
Best regards,
Prof. G.A. Balint
(WHO expert)
Med. Univ. of Szeged
Szeged, Hungary
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