AFRO-NETS> RFI: AIDS orphans (4)

RFI: AIDS orphans (4)

Dear Mandy,

This is to confirm receipt of your mail re. enquiry on AIDS orphans.
One of the few places where data exist is Bukoba District, NW Tanzania.
I have some few figures that I might make available to you but they are
rather old. I am going to Bukoba in June and may be I would be able to
get up-to-date data.

Let us keep in touch,

Gabriel Rugalema
Institute of Social Studies, Kortenaerkade 12,
2518 AX Den Haag, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-70-4260-475
Fax: +31-70-4260-755

Home address:
Jan Blankenstraat 116,
2515 PR Den Haag, The Netherlands
Tel/Fax: +31-70-4450-891

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