AFRO-NETS> RFI:Feeding Options available to mothers (PMTCT trials)

RFI: Feeding Options available to mothers(PMTCT trials)

Dear Cecilia

With reference to the Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report Wed 16 may 2001:

I have a query on the feeding options available to the mother once baby is
born. It has been said that infant formulae is available to the mothers for
feeding their infants and this is issued to all. Again, due to the stigma
attached to the HIV, mothers are leaving tins of the formulae at the hospi-
tal gates etc. We are currently piloting PMTCT trials as well and are grap-
pling with this problem and do not wish to undermine breast feeding promotion
efforts. Does the report detail any of theses aspects?

Thank you


Penny Campbell

Assistant Director:
KwaZulu-Natal Health Services
South Africa

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