AFRO-NETS> RFI: Health Learning Materials

Request for Information: Health Learning Materials


My name is David Curtis. I work for AHRTAG (Appropriate Health & Tech-
nologies Action Group). We are an international non-profit, health and
development agency working to strengthen the management and practice of
primary health care. We provide technical support and an information
service and also produce several newsletters. AHRTAG works with over
thirty projects partners in the so-called developing world.

I am currently carrying out some research for a branch of the Ministry
of Health in Namibia aimed at strengthening health learning materials.
I would be extremely grateful for any information on health learning
materials or recent developments, useful contacts and organisations in
any of the following subjects:

- Diabetes
- Malaria
- drug resistance & new anti-malarials etc.
- Hypertension - especially complications
- Arthritis
- Trauma - management (clinical and surgical)
- Cardio-vascular accident / stroke

The more relevant / appropriate to Southern Africa the better. This is
by no means exclusive as we are hoping to be able to compile resource
packs suitable for use in Asia and South America as well as the Africa

Thank you very much in advance,

David Curtis


AHRTAG promotes sustainable health policies and practices by working in
partnership to encourage the use and increase the impact of information
on health and disability issues in developing countries, through print
and electronic media, resource centre services, and training.

Victoria Richardson
Information Systems Officer

AHRTAG (Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group)
Farringdon Point
29-35 Farringdon Road
London EC1M 3JB, UK
Tel: +44-171-242-0606
Fax: +44-171-242-0041

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