RFI: Free or inexpensive health information resources
Dear friends,
In planning for the training at the Regional Information Technology
Training Centre in Nairobi we would like to present the participants
with a CD ROM which includes useful health information resources. Our
students will be comprised of a range of health professionals from
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Eritrea - librarians, physicians,
researchers, managers, medical students who wish to learn basic skills
in the use of the new information technology tools.
If you know of free or inexpensive health information resources such as
newsletters, journals, CD ROMs, useful databases etc. please pass along
the information to me. Please include details on the resource, contact
details (name of person, e-mail address, postal address, cost if appli-
cable). We would like to especially promote materials developed in Af-
rica if possible. Many thanks in advance.
With good wishes,
Leela McCullough
Leela McCullough, Ed.D.
Director of Information Services
30 California Street,
Watertown, MA 02472, USA
Tel: +1-617-926-9400
Fax: +1-617-926-1212
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.