[afro-nets] RFI: HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

RFI: HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Dear AFRO-NET-ers

I am researching aspects of HIV/AIDS in the KwaZulu-Natal prov-
ince of South Africa. I would be very grateful if anyone could
point me to any good sources of current statistics or other data
on the situation there.

Thank you very much,

Justine Johnstone
Dept. of Humanities, Arts and Languages
London Metropolitan University
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB, UK

RFI: HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (2)

Hello All,

Maybe you can find some information on this site:

And there they will refer you to another link if they don't have
the info you are searching for.


Ingrid Kloet
Planet Poz
5300 Eubank Blvd. NE 9-D
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111, USA
Phone/Fax: +1-505-298-2644
Mobile: +1-505-280-2218

RFI: HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (3)


1. On the Move: The Response of Public Transport Commuters to
HIV/AIDS in South Africa - Warren Parker, Salome Oyosi, Kevin
Kelly and Susan Fox - 2002

2. Communicating for Action: A Contextual Evaluation of Youth
Responses to HIV/AIDS
Sentinel Site Monitoring and Evaluation Project

Stage One Report

by Kevin Kelly, 2000
Commissioned by Beyond Awareness Campaign, HIV/AIDS and STD Di-
rectorate, Department of Health

3. Radio CDC

Radio CDC is an NGO in Johannesburg providing pre-packaged pro-
gramming and live national call-ins, via satellite, to 21 commu-
nity radio stations in all 9 South African provinces.

For more information contact:
Chris Armstrong, Radio CDC
Centre for Democratic Communications
1 Leyds St., First Floor, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
P.O. Box 32022, Braamfontein 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27-11-403-2750 (ext 216)
Fax: +27-11-403-1510

4. WASH Campaign - South Africa


In December, 2001, the Government of the Republic of South Af-
rica launched WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for All) to-
gether with the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Coun-
cil (WSSCC) in Ladysmith. In addition to an emergency water ser-
vices infrastructure, this programme consists in an intensive
health and hygiene education programme for adults and children.

Mr. Babs Naidoo
Private Bag, x 313
Pretoria 0001, South Africa

Tel: +27-12-336-8264
Fax: +27-12-324-6592
Cell: +27-82-807-3547

5. Developments in the use of the mass media at the national
level for HIV/AIDS prevention in South Africa
For article - mailto: shae@worldonline.co.za

6. HIVAN Network

- a news web site aimed at health promotion through entertain-
ment education. It is based in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

7. Soul City


The key contact people within Soul City are:

Esca Scheepers <esca@iafrica.com>
Shereen Usdin <shereenu@soulcity.org.za>
Sue Goldstein <suegold@soulcity.org.za>
Lebo Ramafoko <lebo@soulcity.org.za>
Garth Japhet <garthj@soulcity.org.za>

8. Ikhaya Lobomi - KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

A volunteer workforce of 50 home-based caregivers visit up to
2,000 homes per month in order to assess needs and offer primary
health care, counselling and support, and AIDS education. The
volunteers receive ongoing training in basic nursing and coun-
selling skills in order to: promote awareness and prevention of
HIV and AIDS; provide support to the families; reduce patient
costs in terms of items such as transport and hospital fees; de-
crease the isolation of people living with HIV/AIDS, and reduce
the stigma of the disease in the community; increase compliance
with treatment by monitoring therapy.

Contact: mailto:bosmana@sun.ac.za

9. Joint Oxfam HIV/AIDS Program (JOHAP) - South Africa

In 1998, a group of Oxfam agencies established the Joint Oxfam
HIV/AIDS Programme in South Africa (JOHAP) in an effort to
strengthen the South African civil society response to HIV/AIDS.
The programme focusses on women and AIDS and the mainstreaming
of AIDS and gender, with capacity-building and advocacy work
concentrated in Kwa-Zulu Natal and the Northern Province. JO-
HAP's partner organisations address young people and children,
policy makers, colleagues, and people living with HIV/AIDS. Ox-
fam Community Aid Abroad (CAA) in Australia manages the pro-
gramme and supports local programme staff members in the JOHAP
secretariat in Durban.

For more information, contact:
JOHAP Secretariat
249/257 Berea Road
8th Floor, office 804
Berea Centre
Durban, 4001 R.S.A

Oxfam Community Aid Abroad (CCA)
CCA site http://www.caa.org.au/

10. Men, HIV & AIDS

Regional Conference 2003 Report

VSO South Africa
PO Box 2963, Parklands 2021
Johannesburg, South Africa

11. South Africa's Antenatal HIV Rates

The 2000 ante-natal HIV survey revealed staggering HIV infection
rates in KwaZulu-Natal, where 36,2% (32,5% in 1999) of the preg-
nant women who participated in the study tested HIV positive.
Mpumalanga recorded the sharpest increase at 29,7% (23,8% in
1999), Gauteng 29,3% (23,8% in 1999) and the Free State 27,9%
(27,9% in 1999). Projections extrapolated from the survey esti-
mate that 4,7-million people in South Africa are HIV infected of
which the majority is women and in their prime years.

Source: Af-AIDS http://www.hivnet.ch:8000/africa/af-aids/viewR?976

12. Transitions to Adulthood: Adolescent Behavior in the Context
of AIDS in South Africa

Naomi Rutenberg, Cathrien Kehus-Alons, Lisanne Brown, Kate Mac-
intyre, Anthea Dallimo, Carol Kaufman

Report on Wave 1 of Data Collection (PDF)

Population Briefs Volume 9, Number 1

13. Centre for Adult Education

Contact Information:
Wendy Smith
Centre for Adult Education
University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg
Private Bag X01
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Phone: +27-33-260-5592

14. Ikhaya Lobomi - KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

In operation since 2000, Ikhaya Lobomi is a community-based hos-
pice that provides respite and terminal care to AIDS sufferers
from the KwaNyuswa area, South Africa. From this base, a volun-
teer workforce of 50 home-based caregivers visit up to 2,000
homes per month in order to assess needs and offer primary
health care, counseling and support, and AIDS education.

Ikhaya Lobomi (The Home of Life) has provided care to more than
100 terminally ill AIDS patients. Double this number has re-
ceived support and care and been able to die in relative comfort
in their own homes.

For more information, contact:
Ikhaya Lobomi
P. O. Box 583
Bothashill 3660
KwaZulu Natal
Tel: +27-82-3345-956/82-9329-328
Fax: +27-31-7024-612

Ikaya site

Best regards,

Programme Development
The Southern Health & Ecology Institute
P O Box 67608 Bryanston 2021
Southern Africa

RFI: HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (4)

Dear Nicole,

Thank you VERY much indeed for all this! I know some of the re-
sources but by no means all and I am extremely grateful for you

Sincere thanks,

Justine Johnstone
Dept. of Humanities, Arts and Languages
London Metropolitan University
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB, UK
Tel. +44-1438-829-147