RFI: Hospital addresses in Mozambique (2)
Hallo Dear Doctor:
I'm a former postgraduate student of Heidelberg University - Institute
of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in a MSc Course of Community Health
and Health Management. Now I'm the Head of Planning in Health Military
Services close to Main Military Hospital. At the same time I'm a Senior
Lecturer of Medical Statistics in the Faculty of Medicine in Luanda.
Also I'm in charge of a small project on Information Systems and Health
Informatics in the University, specially dealing with research train-
ing. If we have any sponsor institutions and you are interested to de-
velop any research in Hospitals or in the University of Angola please
feel free to contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
Belchior da Silva MD, MSc.CHDC
ISPHC Faculty of Medicine
Angola University in Luanda
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