[afro-nets] RFI: Logistics Planning/Logistics Management training

Dear Afro-nets

Kindly assist in advising on where and when can we send one of our colleague to be trained in short-term or medium -term training in Logistics Planning/Logistics Management asap.

In the very near future we will be procuring Medical Equipment for Health centers, Hospitals, Central Laboratory, and Blood Transfusion Services. It is our hope to have our Logistics and Inventory Manager trained in this course as a matter of urgency.

Kind regards

Luckson Muchinouta (Mr)
HSS Manager
Millennium Challenge Account
Health Project Implementation Unit
Cnr Constitution & Linare Road
Box 514, Maseru 100
Tel : +266 22 226119/22 311117
Mobile : +266 63 296061/59 148944
Websites : http://www.health.gov.ls/ and http://www.mca.org.ls/
mailto:mohlomit.mca@health.gov.ls mailto:lucksonm.mca@health.gov.ls