AFRO-NETS> RFI: Malaria - Bednet projects (3)

RFI: Malaria - Bednet projects (3)

Within the Poverty and Health Project, a collaborative action between
one region and the UN agencies in Namibia aiming at improving health
through poverty alleviation, mosquito bednets will be one of the in-
come-generating activities.

We would like to learn more about the experiences of other countries,
regarding bednet projects.

Can anyone be of help?

Dear Dr Jacobi,

My name is Sandra Wessels and I am working for the Ministry of Health
and Social Services of Namibia where you are currently stationed. I am
responsible for case management in malaria and we have some bednet pro-
jects going. As you know, my office is just close to yours and if you
require information on bednet projects and income-generating poverty
alleviation bednet projects, you are welcome to ask us. We made mis-
takes, we learned a lot and we are still learning.

You are most welcome to join us in the fight against malaria.

Dr Sandra Wessels

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