AFRO-NETS> RFI: Malaria Prophylaxis in Africa (3)

RFI: Malaria Prophylaxis in Africa (3)

As you only have a day or two to go before you leave, I would re-
commmend you start to take DOXYCYCLINE 100 mg daily ( ALWAYS AFTER
FOOD) right away and continue for at least a week after you return from
your trip.

Most important of all get a good and effective insect repellent like
"Jungle Juice 100" and use plenty of it especially in the evenings,
sleep under a treated bednet all the time and enjoy your trip!

Mannasseh Phiri
Company Clinic
36 Kabengele Ave
Box 20705
Kitwe, Zambia
Tel: +260-2-222-536 (o) 260-2-220-312(h)
Fax: +260-2-225-772

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