RFI: Male circumcision practices (5)
>There is no doubt that circumcision at age 6 to 10 must be most pain-
>ful >to the individuals. In your e-mail, you make no reference to the
>"reasons" why this is still done. Is circumcision still a needed pro-
>cedure in Africa?
This is a difficult question to answer, and maybe doesn't just apply to
Africa. For reasons of tradition, identity, hygiene? From those that
have been through the mukanda, we hear that the pressure (and shame)
felt by those boys who have not been through it is tremendous. They are
made to feel "outcasts". Ignorance is no longer a major factor because
sons of the educated are now having their circumcision in hospital fol-
lowed by a modified, shorter apprenticeship in someone's home. The
question is not so much "is circumcision NEEDED?" but how can it be
made safer, more hygienic and less traumatic.
>You also make reference to "good sexual performance" being taught in
>the camps. What is meant by this and why is this necessary at ages 6
>to 10?
Perhaps for the same reason that they are taught to hunt, fish and
plough a field. At the end of the ceremony the boy is a man and is ex-
pected to do these men do - including getting married. I agree that
these skills are perhaps more suited to older teenage boys.
>I find AFRO-NETS most interesting and the people of Africa are cer-
>tainly a blessed people and I wish them the very best life has to of-
Thank you very much on their behalf.
Mannasseh Phiri
Dr. Mannasseh Phiri
Company Clinic
36 Kabengele Ave.
Box 20705
Kitwe, Zambia
Tel: +260-2-222-536(o)
Fax: +2602-225-772
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