[afro-nets] RFI: Medical specialist groups in Public Health Medicine/Community Health in Africa

RFI: Medical specialist groups in Public Health Medicine/ Community Health in Africa

I am attempting to make contact with representatives of the medical specialist groups in Public Health Medicine/ Community Health in Africa (i.e. medically qualified MBChB specialists who have passed a specialist exam or are on a specialist register).

I am especially keen to get in touch with the presidents of the East African and West African Colleges of Community Health/Public Health Medicine. I do not know if there are similar bodies in North Africa or Central Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. If people know of such bodies please would you share their (preferably electronic) contact details with me. If not, I would be keen to make contact with the Heads of academic Departments responsible for the training of such specialists.


Brendan Girdler-Brown
President: College of Public Health Medicine (South Africa)
Tel: +27 (0)11 477 7865
Fax: +27 (0)11 477 0143