AFRO-NETS> RFI: Mother to Child Transmission and Psychosocial Support

RFI: Mother to Child Transmission and Psychosocial Support

I am working as a short-term consultant for the department of Repro-
ductive Health at the World Health Organization. I have been asked to
undertake a literature review on psychosocial support and counselling
for women and families related to mother to child transmission
(MTCT). There is not a great deal in the academic literature related
to this subject, and I am most anxious to learn more about some pro-
jects, practices etc. that are happening in the field.

For the purpose of this review, it is not important whether the woman
is receiving ARV. We are more interested in any psychosocial support
and counselling services that might be available for HIV+ women and
families from preconception to when the child is 2 years of age.

I would be most grateful if you could give me as much information as
possible about the services and practices of which you are aware that
particularly focus on psychosocial support and counselling for HIV+
women and families. As much detail as you can provide about any ser-
vices would be most appreciated. For example, the name of the organi-
zation a description of the services provided and information about
coordinates such as email, telephone, fax and mailing addresses would
be most helpful.

I am sure this is a lot to ask of you out of your busy day, but I
would be so grateful for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Liz Lindsey

Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey RN. PhD.
Emeritus Professor
University of Victoria
8590, Emard Terrace
Sidney, BC. V8L 1K4 Canada
Tel: +1-250-655-4705
Fax: +1-250-655-4708

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