AFRO-NETS> RFI: Newsletters/Publications accepting book reviews

RFI: Newsletters/Publications accepting book reviews

If you or your office receives health/development-related newslet-
ters/journals that accept book reviews, could you PLEASE contact me
with the titles (and a URL/e-mail address of the publication, if

I am a public health professional and freelance writer who occasion-
ally reviews health/development-related books. As my province of
Madagascar is no longer receiving mail (and hasn't for months) and
outside contact is limited to e-mail due to the ongoing political
crisis, I am having a terrible time tracking down names and addresses
of publications that I can approach to see if they are interested in
book reviews. Of those I have contacted via e-mail months ago, none
have replied.

One of the books is on helping children who are visually impaired/
blind. The other is on using drama to communicate social ideas and
can be adapted for a specific health message.

Any leads are greatly appreciated. I am sure that I could make some
headway if I had unlimited Web access, but the cost of surfing the
'net here is prohibitive and absurdly expensive.

Thanks is advance,

Kim Baldwin Radford, MPH
Toamasina, Madagascar

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