RFI: Onchcerciasis footage
We are making a documentary in association with the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine about the natural history of human
parasites. As part of this film, we are looking at onchocerciasis.
Although we have been to film the oncho programme in Ghana, there
were a few shots we did not get and would really like to include in
our film to give it some historical perspective:
1) Blind Onchocerciasis sufferers being led to work;
2) An abandonned 'Oncho' Village;
3) Helicopter Spraying rivers against blackfly larvae.
If anyone has a film or video of these, I would be most grateful if
you could let me know if we could use it in our film. Any suggestions
for other possible sources would be much appreciated as well.
Please reply to:
Richard Rees
Thank you very much
Francis Adie
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