RFI: Onchocerciasis
To Dr. Tollosa D. Asrat:
Tenestilin Dr. Tollosa,
I have read your request for info on the net. There is a wide oncho-
cerciasis programme in West-Africa lead by the WHO, in which the effect
of ivermectin is (and has been) studied. (The results are excellent!)
I know that in certain part of Ethiopia onchocerciasis is a problem. (I
have spent quite a long time at AAU, as professor of pharmacology a
couple of years ago.) The details, regarding the above mentioned WHO
programme you will find at the following URL:
The Tropical Disease and Research Dept. of the WHO Headquarter (TDR)
definitely will help you.
Good luck and best regards,
Prof.GA Balint, MD.,D.Sc,
Med. Univ. of Szeged
Szeged, Hungary
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