AFRO-NETS> RFI: OVC Research Project (3)

RFI: OVC Research Project (3)

Dear Helen,

Hello, my name is Janet Feldman, and I am the director of the inter-
national wing of KAIPPG -- Kenya AIDS Intervention/Prevention Project
Group -- with offices in Kenya (main office, where all of our pro-
grams are) and the US. I know of several programs in Kenya and else-
where, including our own, that I would be happy to send you informa-
tion on, and I will alert others to do the same. Please contact me at
<>, and our main office at <>,
and see us at:

We would really appreciate networking with you about the results of
your research, and having access to the info you obtain, to
strengthen our own programs and perhaps develop new ones based on
your findings.

With many thanks and all best wishes,

Janet Feldman

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