AFRO-NETS> RFI: Source for white mosquito netting (13)

RFI: Source for white mosquito netting (13)

Dear Lala Msuri,

Just to answer some of your questions on PermaNet(tm).

No where have I said that we have completed field trials on Per-
maNet(tm), but we are right now conducting field trials in C"te
d`Ivoire, Uganda, Tanzania, The Philippines, Pakistan, Venezuela, Co-
lumbia and will soon be doing it in Malawi as well. All of these
studies are performing well, and so far we have all the reason to be-
lieve we will be able to prove the long lasting effect very soon.

A positive WHOPES evaluation should be ready somewhere around New

Laboratory studies and a few other short studies with excellent re-
sults can be found on our web sites, where you will also be able to
scrutinize our FAQ`s. Unfortunately Afro Nets does not want attached
documents on this discussion list. In about a week there
will be a new update on our web sites, and we will at any time be
glad to answer any questions from you.

When washing a conventionally dipped bed net, an Olyset or a Per-
maNet(tm) there will always be some insecticide washed off, probably
the smallest quantity from PermaNet(tm),but far from harming fish.
Only by bad management of waste when doing community dipping
or from agriculture will you be able to harm fish. According to the
chemical companies they are running trucks into Africa for agricul-
tural purposes, but only teaspoons for human health projects, like
bed nets.

It is true that an impregnated bed net can have an irritant effect on
a baby, but they have to eat app. 50 bed nets to reach a toxic dose.
And remember, only a living baby might some day feel an itch.

For further information on insecticide I would recommend to contact

All the best,

Vestergaard Frandsen Group
Torben Vestergaard Frandsen
Director of Development
Tel: +45-7550-3050
Fax: +45-7550-3044

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