AFRO-NETS> RFI Source for white mosquito netting (15)

RFI Source for white mosquito netting (15)

Dear Lala,

I agree with you that it is difficult for some Africans to access the
web-sites, but that is also why I have offered to answer any ques-
tions people might have, or to send them a full catalogue of informa-
tion. We are also glad to give people information on our local of-
fices or agents, if they should prefer to discuss this locally or if
they have specific local questions.

When questioning our lab procedures, it is not us but WHO you are
criticizing. We are testing fully according to WHOPES recommendations
and protocols.

The story going around in Tanzania is not a WHOPES trial, and it was
not a test questioning the PermaNet(tm). This test showed that nor-
mally dipped bed nets can stand 20 washes. When we do the WHO washing
test we can only reach 3 washes with a normally dipped bed net, but
more than 20 washes with the PermaNet(tm) impregnation. In the Tanza-
nia trial you would probably have seen PermaNet(tm) standing 60

With the Savon de Marseille you are again questioning the WHO trial
procedures and protocols. They have found that this soap is the most
commonly used in Africa. But as you indicate they have probably used
a different soap in Tanzania, which would evidently render a better
result for PermaNet(tm).

The use of insecticide impregnated bed nets is also a recommendation
from WHO, and they have made thorough studies on toxicity. May I rec-
ommend their expertise for your questions on insecticide.

Let me try to cut our discussion down to basics. The idea of impreg-
nated bed nets is not new, it started 60 years ago with soldiers dur-
ing the Second World War. Neither is the use of Deltamethrin new, it
has been used for more than 20 years. What is new is that we have de-
veloped a way of giving people full protection for the life time of
the bed net with 4 - 5 times less use of insecticide over the years.

May I recommend you clear your outstanding questions with WHO before
we continue our discussion.

All the best,


Vestergaard Frandsen Group

Torben Vestergaard Frandsen Director of Development
Vestergaard Frandsen Group
Torben Vestergaard Frandsen
Director of Development
Tel: 7550-3050
Fax: 7550-3044

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