RFI: Theatre for Development (3)
Attention: Hendrikje Nienborg
Dear Sir/Madam
With a view to extending the educational focus into the rural areas of
Kwazulu-Natal, Puppetree Productions are offering puppet-shows for
school going children from the ages of 3-12 years old.
We would very much like to send you more details about our current pro-
jects. Would you let us have your fax address.
Pamela Tancsik
c/o Pat Liversage
139, Essenwood Rd.,
Durban 4001, South Africa
Tel/Fax: +27-31216-227
[The Fax Nr. is: +49-6196-797104, c/o Sector-Project Reproductive
Health, GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. DN Mod.]
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