AFRO-NETS> Theatre for Development ?

Theatre for Development ?

I found 'AFRO-NETS' via Theatre for Development (TFD) - links; I am a
Finnish 2nd year Humanities student at Lincoln University in England.
Having done both theatre and youth work in the past, the idea of going
on with studying TFD has been going around in circles in my mind

What I keep trying to find out for myself is if TFD is a concept, or
let me say, way of practical work, that does WORK; I've been wondering
if there might be any use for an animator, say, in the example of deal-
ing with malaria awareness in a given area (for ex. Tim Freeman's "Man
Made Malaria"); or, as the case might sometimes turn out to be, if TFD
is not as applicable to development countries - issues of health, for
instance - as it may be to a Manchester suburb in England.

I would be most grateful to hear any responses from professional people
dealing with such issues, if anyone sees this and has time.

Thank you,

Miki Garam
University of Lincolnshire & Humberside

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