Theatre for Development? (2)
just a short reply. The Department of fine and performing arts, Prof.
Kamlungera, Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi has promoted TFD for >10
years. The same University's Department of Music, Prof. Mitch Strumpf,
has a slightly different approach, that of Music for Development (MFD).
The latter includes also drama performance but Music plays a bigger
part in transmitting messages to the audience. I was teamleader for a
Strengthening District Health Systems Project that used Music for De-
velopment for HIV awareness and behavioural change campaigns. Process
evaluation of these campaigns are impressive, however there never was
the time to perform an impact evaluation.
Give me a call and we can discuss further details of my experience with
Dr. Frank Paulin
Lecturer in Public Health Management
Centre for Health Planning and Management
Keele University, UK
Tel: +44-1782-583-191
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