RFI: Training on HIV/AIDS for Somali Health Professionals
Hello to all,
I have been out into the field for the past 8 months where there is
no e-mail or Internet at all. Fortunately, with the help of the local
Telephone Company, they allow me to connect to the Internet once
every week. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to ask
my fellow AFRO-NETS members a few questions:
1. I just started working in a district hospital where most of staff
including the doctors have limited knowledge about HIV/AIDS infection
as the incidence and the prevalence of the disease is very low in So-
malia. The director of the hospital asked me to prepare an one-day
seminar for the hospital staff regarding HIV/AIDS issues. I am about
to start the seminar, however, I would like to do pre- and post-test
assessment. Therefore, can anyone help me or suggest me any standard
questionnaire for HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude toward among the
health professionals.
2. I am in the process of setting up a limited surveillance for
syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and others based on syndromic man-
agement. However, I don't know exactly what is the sensitivity and
specificity of using this method rather than specific STD diagnostic
tests. A while ago I read several studies that were conducted in West
Africa, but I do not remember the limitations of this method. Any
recommendation or suggestion?
3. I will appreciate if you could send me any good web site, which
contains training programs for HIV/AIDS infection for health profes-
I will appreciate if you can send me any information that may answer
the above questions especially the questionnaire. Again, thank you in
advance for your help.
Please reply to this e-mail: <abubakar@jhmi.edu>
Dr. Abdinasir M. Abubakar
Galkaio Hospital
Puntland State
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