[afro-nets] SATELLIFE Survey about AFRO-NETS (2)

SATELLIFE Survey about AFRO-NETS (2)

Dear AFRO-NETS subscribers,

On Thursday, 13 May 2004, Leela McCullough <leela@healthnet.org>
from SATELLIFE sent you a short survey asking about the list's
usefulness to you and your work.

So far AFRO-NETS has received 115 responses, about a 7% of the
subscriber base.

To make it a representative survey we need more responses. Those
of you who have not reacted will get another chance in the next
few days to fill the short questionnaire to be sent out again by

Please have in mind that the future of the list and its profile
depends on the feedback from its subscribers.

Thanking you in advance
I remain sincerely yours,

Dieter Neuvians
AFRO-NETS Moderator