Small Grants Programme to Develop Health Policy and Systems Research
The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research announces its 3rd
call for Research for Policy Grants. The topic for this round is
Health System Development and Scaling-Up Priority Services.
Research proposals should aim to improve health in low and middle in-
come countries through applying quantitative and/or qualitative meth-
ods to the understanding and explanation of critical issues in the
scaling-up and integration within national health systems of priority
health services and disease control programmes.
The call and format is attached and can also be found in the Alliance
Web site together with guidelines for application.
Deadline: 30 June 2003
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
World Health Organization
CH 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Research to Policy Grants
Health System Development and Scaling-Up Priority Services
Call for Proposals
Third Round 2003-2004
Deadline: 30 June 2003
In collaboration with the World Health Organization, an initiative
fostered by the Global Forum for Health Research
1. Introduction
The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research was established
in November 1999 as an initiative sponsored by the Global Forum for
Health Research in collaboration with the World Health Organization.
The Alliance aims to promote the generation, dissemination and use of
knowledge for enhancing health system performance. One of its strate-
gic objectives is to stimulate the generation and synthesis of knowl-
edge, encompassing evidence, tools and methods. To achieve this ob-
jective the Alliance has been offering Research to Policy Grants in
high priority areas.
The Alliance calls for its third round of proposals for Research to
Policy Grants aimed to support capacity development, good quality re-
search and its impact on policy in low and middle income countries.
2. Objective of the third round for proposals
Research proposals should aim to improve health in low and middle in-
come countries through applying quantitative and/or qualitative meth-
ods to the understanding and explanation of critical issues in the
scaling-up and integration within national health systems of priority
health services and disease control programmes.
The following are offered as examples of possible topics and ap-
* Analysis of options for and impact of integrating scaled up prior-
ity health services and disease control efforts within existing
health systems and health reforms, including sector wide approaches,
decentralisation and social mobilization.
* Analysis of constraints to scaling up priority health services and
disease control programmes, on both demand and supply sides, and how
to overcome constraints including those related to human resources
* Analysis of how approaches to the health system functions of regu-
lation, organisation, financing and delivery of services can be ad-
justed to give greater focus on priority health services and disease
* Analysis of the policy process at national and/or local levels with
respect to scaling up priority health services and disease control,
including the interests of those involved, their relative power, and
the extent to which this supports or hampers scaling up
* Analysis of the options and consequences of the participation of
private providers in priority health services and disease control
* Evaluation of options for the allocation and management of substan-
tial additional resources for priority health services and disease
control to non-traditional health sector actors e.g. NGOs, the for
profit private sector, community groups etc.
3. Grants
Financial support will be provided to teams of experienced research-
ers and policy/decision-makers from low and middle income countries
to undertake research projects with a duration of one year or less
and involving collection of new data or analysis of existing data-
bases. Proposals should be based on a sound analysis of existing
knowledge and should justify relevance for policy making. Researchers
should identify how policy makers or stakeholders will be involved
through strategies to ensure relevance and take-up of results.
Budgets should not exceed USD 25,000 and should be fully justified.
4. Selection process
The Alliance Board will select applicants on the basis of peer review
of proposals. The criteria to be applied are scientific merit, rele-
vance to country priorities and proposed strategies to ensure take-up
of results in the policy process.
Applications are particularly encouraged from low income countries
having limited research capacity but demonstrating researcher and
policy maker commitment to building up capacity in HPSR. Technical
support will be available throughout the project to ensure high qual-
ity results.
5. Who can apply
Research institutions, government agencies involved in policy making,
health service providers and civil society organizations are eligible
for funding. Applicants should have a well established collaboration
with another institution or internal unit leading to the formation of
a team with at least one principal researcher and one policy / deci-
sion-maker, stakeholder or health service advocate. The supporting
member(s) of the team should endorse the proposal through signed let-
Proposals will be accepted only from institutions in low and middle
income countries, but teams including high income country institu-
tions are eligible. Only low and middle income country nationals and
institutions will be funded, although travel support can be included
for collaborators from high income countries.
Principal investigators currently funded by the Alliance as part of
previous rounds are not eligible to apply, although they can partici-
pate as co-investigators.
6. How to apply
* Proposals should be submitted in the format available in the Alliance
Web site.
* Proposals must be written in English.
* The curriculum vitae of the principal investigator should be an-
nexed to the proposal.
* Proposals should be sent to the Alliance preferably by e-mail as at-
tachments to a cover letter. Letters of support can be sent scanned
or by post, clearly indicating the name of the principal investigator
and the title of the project. Proposals may also be posted if e-mail
is difficult. Faxes will not be accepted.
* E-mailed or posted proposal should reach the Alliance not later than
close of business on 30th June 2003.
Send proposals by e-mail to:
Please state in the subject heading "Round 3 grants".
If mailed by post, send proposals to:
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
Office No. 4123
World Health Organization
CH 1211 Geneva 27
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