The Essentials of Contraceptive Technology - Condensed
Dear Colleagues,
As you may have heard the Johns Hopkins Population Information is de-
signing a condensed version of "The Essentials of Contraceptive Tech-
nology" due for publication later this year.
We are looking for feedback from those who have used the full-length
version to find out what parts of the full-length book are most useful,
and what parts could be condensed, omitted, or modified so as to create
the most practical "Bare Essentials" book for front-line use. We are
looking to cut the full length version by some 60%.
If you have used the full length-book for counselling or training, or
know others who have used it, please could you forward any specific
suggestions for "Bare Essentials" by return e-mail.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
We have recently reprinted the full-length Essentials edition with some
minor revisions. If you need more copies of the full-length version or
would like to reserve copies of "Bare Essentials" please let me know.
Please include shipping address, phone, and fax numbers. (Please do not
duplicate orders you may have already sent.)
Stephen M. Goldstein
Managing Editor, Population Reports
Johns Hopkins University
Center for Communication Programs
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