AFRO-NETS> Contraception Technology Update (CTU) Series

Contraception Technology Update (CTU) Series

Dear Colleague,

We work with Family Health International (FHI), a non-profit research and
technical assistance organization dedicated to reproductive health. We are
currently researching different venues for disseminating information on our
Contraceptive Technology Update (CTU) Series, an educational and training
tool for reproductive health service providers. We thought that your
listserver might be an appropriate avenue for placing an announcement about
the series.

Each CTU Module consists of 35 mm slide presentations in English, French,
or Spanish on the most current information related to contraceptive methods
designed for use in seminars or workshops with policy makers, physicians,
nurses, medical students, and health educators. Each contains a suggested
narrative, fact sheets, audience handouts, evaluations and reprints of
important resources. The module topics currently available include
Postpartum Contraception, Oral Contraception, Barrier Methods, Injectables,
IUDs, and Lactational Amenorrhea. Modules on Male/Female Sterilization and
Adolescent Reproductive Health will be available by the end of 1997.

The Contraceptive Technology Update Series has been developed and produced
by Family Health International with technical input from numerous other
agencies concerned with reproductive health. The materials have been
reviewed by a number of prominent international physicians and field tested
with audiences around the world.

The development of the modules was funded by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID). Because there has been a large demand
for the series from organizations not funded by USAID, we have been granted
permission to make the materials available for public purchase, with the
proceeds used to help subsidize free or reduced cost distributors to
reproductive health educators less able to pay full cost.

We look forward to hearing from you and if you need further information
about the series or FHI, please feel free to call.


Carol Tyroler - Intern, CTU Series
Carol Smith - CTU Series Project Coordinator
Family Health International
PO Box 13950
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
Tel. +1-919-544-7040
Fax: +1-919-544-7261 or

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