[afro-nets] The Global Fund & Aidspan want to Hear What you Think of the New Funding Model

What Do You Think of the New Funding Model?

At its meeting in Geneva on 13–14 September, the Global Fund Board approved in principle the broad elements of a new funding model. This model is now to be discussed in more detail at a meeting of the Board’s Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee (SIIC) on 24–26 October. Then, the SIIC will prepare recommendations for discussion at the next Board meeting on 14–15 November.

It’s an opportune time and platform to get your views heard.

PLEASE COME SHARE ON THE DISCUSSION PAGE: Your comments, ideas, thoughts and experiences are important.


With humble regard,


Angela Kageni, Senior Programme Officer
Aidspan – an independent watchdog of the Global Fund, and publisher of Global Fund Observer
Nairobi, Kenya
Web: www.aidspan.org