Time allocation/activity analysis/child care (2)
I write regarding your findings/request for information on time allo-
cation, etc. child care, and the inverse relationship between higher
per capita incomes and nutritional health. I am very interested in
your results.
The effects of the so-called "Green Revolution" and concomitant so-
cial change in Latin America have been well-documented by nutritional
anthropologists. You are on the right track with the idea of time al-
location, etc. Also, the findings in LA indicate that as per capita
income increases, family and especially child nutrition suffers as
with a wage economy, less time is spent on family garden vegetable
plots (as it becomes possible to purchase processed foodstuffs - of-
ten imported) and both disposable income and the family food budget
may be spent on "desirable" status items like "coca-cola", etc. with
little nutritional value. Consequently, there is a decline in nutri-
tional status.
Finally, based upon the LA studies, as land was converted to pasture
and beef cattle exported, per capita income increased for the wealthy
landowners and to a lesser degree for their wage labourers but per
capita consumption of beef declined precipitously for the labourers.
I don't know if this relates directly to your request but if so I can
send some sources if you think there might be anything instructive
about the LA studies. Let me know. Beginning 8 November I will be
away from the office until 17 November.
Richard A. Nisbett, PhD
College of Health Building, Room 221
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
PO Box 26901
801 Northeast 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73190 USA
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