[afro-nets] Training in Supply Chain Management of HIV/AIDS Medicines

Training course in "Supply Chain Management of HIV/AIDS Medi-
cines & Supplies"

22 May - 4 June, 2005 and 17 July - 30 July, 2005
Johannesburg, South Africa

IDA Solutions provides procurement agency services and offers
consultancy and training on topics related to the various as-
pects of pharmaceutical supply chain management. This course is
intended to train ARV program managers, physicians, pharmacists,
health systems managers, procurement and distribution managers
and anyone who is responsible for planning an ARV delivery pro-
gram. "ARV" is understood to entail antiretrovirals, diagnostic
equipment (including test kits) and the accompanying lab sup-
plies (reagents).

Course objectives
* Expose participants to issues specific to planning the pro-
   curement and distribution of ARVs.
* Provide program managers with skills in program planning and
   management, and to teach how to apply those skills in their own
* Provide practical tools to decision-makers in essential drugs
   programs to improve their level of performance.
* Exchange views and experiences between senior decision-makers.

Course design
The course will last for 10 days and will be conducted in Eng-
lish. It will consist of presentations, discussions, and group
activities. The course will be highly participatory - the inter-
change of skills and experience among course members is essen-
tial for training activities and learning. Please be aware that
strong English skills are required to take maximum advantage of
this course.

Major topics include: intro to ARVs, intro to diagnostics, as-
sessing local systems, quality assurance of ARVs, financing ARV
programs, procurement planning, quantification, stores manage-
ment, human resources, rational use of ARVs, distribution plan-
ning and monitoring & evaluation.

In addition to the experienced lecturers from IDA Solutions,
Medical University of Southern Africa and Kimera Solutions; we
also invite guest lecturers with extensive background in ARV
program management.

Course dates
22nd May - 4th of June, 2005;
17th July - 30th July, 2005.
Every course starts with an opening dinner at 7pm on Sunday. It
ends with a closing ceremony and dinner that lasts until mid-
night on Friday. Hotel check out is on Saturday morning.

Course fee is EUR 3.000,- (three thousand euros) and includes
tuition fee and materials, transfers from/to Johannesburg Inter-
national airport, hotel accommodation, three meals a day except
on weekends and field trips. Fees must be received at least one
month before start of the course.

Funding information
Applicants are required to secure their own funding for course
fee, incidental expenses, to arrange their own health insurance
and to arrange international transport from their home country.
To obtain help with this funding, applicants should contact gov-
ernment or non-government agencies in their countries.

For more details on the course and to receive an application
form please contact:
Ms. Clarisse Morris
IDA Solutions
PO Box 37098
1030 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20 403-7185
Fax: +31-20 403-1854