Title: Training Program on Supply Chain Management with focus on ARVs and Related Supplies in Low Resource Settings to be held at IIHMR, Jaipur (India), from March 10-14, 2014.
Background: Under the UN initiative for Universal Healthcare Coverage, a healthcare system can serve at its best only with access to medicines. Access to medicines can be best ensured by proper selection and use of quality medicines, sustainable financing and reliable supply system. Pharmaceuticals (medicinal products, vaccines, contraceptives, diagnostics, and health supplies) constitute second highest item of expenditure after the manpower in any given health facility. Essential medicines are still inaccessible by a major chunk of population that is struggling with poverty, and is still fatally affected by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Given the number of lives being claimed each year by these diseases that can be easily treated and/or prevented, there is an urgent need to put in place advanced and tangible policies that would ensure un-interrupted supplies of essential medicines, especially in low resource settings. As drugs are the link between the patient and health services, their availability or absence contributes to the positive or negative impact on health. policy, quality assurance, proper monitoring through information management and capacity building under supply chain management build on Government willingness, legal setting and community participation can effectively facilitate availability of required medicines and health supplies.
The Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), Jaipur has been contributing towards this very topical issue of international importance through its flagship yearly WHO sponsored International Courses in Promoting Rational Drug Use in Communities (PRDUC) for last 10 years.* In addition, two international courses on Anti-retroviral and Related Drug Supply Chain Management in Low Resource Settings, one International Course on Rational Use of Medicines - A Focus on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria and one Management Development Program on Pharmaceutical Management in Hospitals have already been organized by the institute. To address supply related issues, an International Training Program on âSupply Chain Management with focus on ARVs and Related supplies in Low Resource Settingsâ is being organized at IIHMR from March 10-14, 2014.
Objectives of the Program: The specific objectives of the program are to enable participants understand and comprehend the concepts and principles on:
* The scope, importance and issues pertaining to Supply Chain Management System (SCMS)
* Various components and elements associated with SCMS
* Outline of the main discussion topics under SCMS
* Special nature of health care commodities due to the need for provider advice and counseling
* Information flows in the supply chain and opportunities for breakdown
* ARVs and Related supplies in Low Resource Settings
Course Design and Contents: The course would dwell upon general aspects SCMS besides focus on ARVs and Related supplies in Low Resource Settings with following topics:
* Introduction and Challenges in Supply Chain Management
* Concepts of Essential Medicines and Standard Treatment Guidelines
* Quality assurance of medicines
* Procurement Planning and procedures
* Product selection
* Quantification
* Supplier & Product Prequalification
* Pricing and Budgeting
* Stores & Inventory Management
* Distribution
* Communication and information flow
* Legal issues with reference to Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights and safeguarding Public Health
* Epidemiology and Patho-physiology of HIV/AIDS, control initiatives
* WHO guidelines for* HAART
* Key Pharmacological Considerations of ARVs and OIs medicines including ADRs and Drug Interactions
* Patients Education on ARV Treatment Adherence and Monitoring
* Universal Infection Control Precautions and PEP
Target Group: The program is meant for the policy makers, doctors, pharmacists and other public health professionals/officials/management staff from Ministries/Departments of Medical & Health, government hospitals, development aid agencies, social scientists, NGOs interested in improving drug supply management.
Training approach: The program will use a mix of lecture by resource persons to introduce the lead concept and encourage active interaction by the participants through classroom discussions, group work and presentations. The course will be conducted in English.
Course Coordinator and Faculty: Dr Nirmal Gurbani, PhD, FIPA, Professor (Pharmaceutical Management), IIHMR, Jaipur will be the Course Coordinator. Faculty will comprise of both national and international experts.
Program Fee:* USD 600* per participant + 12.36% service tax. The fee covers tuition fee, training material, stay in air-conditioned room (twin-sharing basis), 3-meals a day and tea/coffee during the program.** (For accommodation on single occupancy basis, USD 20 per night will be charged extra). Nominations received with payments on or before 2-weeks from the commencement of the program, i.e. February 24, 2014 will be entitled to an early bird discount of 10% and any organization sponsoring five or more participants to the program will be entitled to a group discount of 15 % on total fee payable provided that at least five participants actually attend the program. However, the maximum discount an organization can avail (early bird and group discounts) is to a ceiling of 20 %.
Application: Interested participants / nominating agencies may obtain specified âCV Templateâ by sending an email at <atmrum.iihmr@gmail.com> and completed CV Template from foreign participants must reach by February 10, 2014 and by March 1, 2014 from Indian participants to the Coordinator by an email at <atmrum.iihmr@gmail.com> or by post to Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), 1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Sanganer Airport, JAIPUR - 302 029 (India), or by Fax at +91 141 3924738. An earlier date for foreign participants is being kept to facilitate timely issue of visa supporting letters.
Certification: A certificate of participation on completion of the program will be issued by Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur.
Nirmal K Gurbani, Ph.D, FIPA
Professor (Pharmaceutical Management)
Indian Institute of Health Management & Research (IIHMR)
A WHO Collaborating Center
1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Sanganer Airport, JAIPUR 302 011 (India)
Tel: +91 141 3924700 / 2791431 Extn 715, Resi: +91 141 2634225
Fax: +91 141 3924738; Cell: +91 94145 22696
Email: ATMRUM <atmrum.iihmr@gmail.com> or <nirmal@iihmr.org>*** Web:* www.iihmr.org