AFRO-NETS> UN Publications: UNDP Poverty Report

UN Publications: UNDP Poverty Report


Dr Sigmund de Janos
Senior Consultant
Tel: +1-613-731-3461
Fax: +1-613-731-3286

UNDP Poverty Report

Overcoming Human Poverty

Based on commitments made at the 1995 World Summit for Social Devel-
opment, this publication encourages developing countries to launch
full-scale campaigns against poverty. Yet despite having set ambi-
tious global targets for poverty reduction, donor countries are cut-
ting back on aid. A new global strategy against poverty needs to be
mounted - with more resources, a sharper focus and a stronger commit-
ment. Overcoming Human Poverty makes a special effort to assess a
broad range of national poverty programmes - to find out what is
working and what is not, and to draw out some general lessons for
better policies.


* The Commitments to Poverty Reduction
* Developing National Anti-poverty Plans
* Linking Poverty to National Policies
* Linking Countries' International Policies to Poverty
* Governance: The Missing Link
* Pro-poor Local Governance: The Neglected Reforms
* The Poor Organize: The Foundation for Success
* Focusing Resources on the Poor
* Integrating Key Issues into Poverty Programmes
* Monitoring Progress against Poverty
* Country Profiles
* Selected References
* Figures
* Tables
* Boxes

Book Information:

SALES #: 00.III.B.2
ISBN: 92112612440
PAGES: 144pp.
PRICE: US$ 15.00

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