UNFPA: State of the World Population 2005
The United Nations Population Fund, October 2005
It is a simple message but a powerful one: Gender equality re-
duces poverty and saves and improves lives.
This year's The State of World Population report stresses that
gender equality and reproductive health are indispensable to the
realization of this promise.
Summary: http://www.unfpa.org/swp/2005/presskit/summary.htm
Full Report PDF file [128 pp. 1.56 MB] at:
The report, The Promise of Equality: Gender Equity, Reproductive
Health and the Millennium Development Goals, explores the degree
to which the global community has fulfilled pledges made to the
world's most impoverished and marginalized peoples. It tracks
progress, exposes shortfalls and examines the links between pov-
erty, gender equality, human rights, reproductive health, con-
flict and violence against women and girls. It also examines the
relationship between gender discrimination and the scourge of
HIV/AIDS. It identifies the vulnerabilities and strengths of
history's largest cohort of young people and highlights the
critical role they play in development.