[afro-nets] Update on PHM's Global Right to Health Care Campaign

Update on PHM's Global Right to Health Care Campaign

Dear all,

Although you have not heard from us in a while, the People's
Health Movement (PHM) has indeed been making progress in the
launching of the RTHC campaign.

We have a core group of four (in the Netherlands, the US, India
and Vietnam) now working on several fronts; this group will ex-
pand by two more from other regions in the near future.

In January, we finalized the proposal for the Campaign with an
accompanying executive summary (If you want copies, please login
to http://www.phmovement.org and look for the Right to Health
Campaign link).

The RTH campaign was ratified by PHM leadership to make it an
official PHM campaign.

We have since sent out four funding proposals to different or-
ganizations especially, but not only, to help us with seed money
to launch the RTH country assessments we want to carry out in
about 40 countries. We have had one positive response so far.

We have been working with the Dutch NGO HOM on the instrument to
carry out these country assessments so we have a more or less
standardized tool to use. This work will probably take another
month. If anybody is interested in contributing to its develop-
ment, drop me a note and I can send you a copy (3.5 mega due to
some graphics).

We remind you that launching the country assessments will be
done in parallel with starting-up/strengthening national PHM
circles that will take the responsibility for carrying out the
same and summarizing the results.

We hope you will become involved if you are in one of those 40
countries. The list of the same is not fixed yet, because, to
increase our chances of getting funding, we are offering the
funders to consider their country preferences. The final deci-
sion will be with us though.

Looking forward to a successful Campaign.

Very cordially,
Claudio Schuftan in Ho Chi Minh City